Yarn Club Spotlight

Gigi Richer’s Inspired By project for English 11 Honors. Photo by Mamie Rushkoff.

Mamie Rushkoff, Managing Editor

Hastings High School’s infamous Yarn Club has been resurrected by two new presidents! Gigi Richer and Diana Pinto are giving students the opportunity and resources to knit, crochet, and share ideas for projects. 

The club was started  few years ago, but it was Gigi and Diana’s idea to restart it this year: “I wanted to start this up again because I love to knit and Diana, my co-president, also loves it. It is a fun skill and it is really big currently.” Many ‘trendy’ clothes for fall are knitted and crocheted, so another plus of the club is not only the amazing creative outlet, but also the ability to make your own original pieces. From a full outfit to some accessories, yarn club is an amazing space to make anything you want. 

The club meets every Monday at 3:15 in Room H301, which is Ms. Gagliardi’s room  (there are also snacks sometimes). Make sure to come to a meeting and let your creativity flow!