This year’s pep rally received a “serious revamp,” said Student Union Vice President Erik Ghalib. Unfortunately many Homecoming plans were foiled by rain storms and flooding, but that didn’t stop Hastings High School from having a lively pep rally on Friday, September 29 — indoors for the first time in four years.
The changes made to the pep rally were mostly focused on “what’s going to make everyone excited and what can bring all the grades together,” explained Student Union President Barney Smith. Barney went on to say that the goal for the fall pep rally was to unite grades and generate school spirit. As Erik explained, when planning the pep rally, the SU focuses on pre-existing traditions and how to make them better. This year, for example, the team dances became a competition. The Field Hockey team decidedly had the best dance and was rewarded with a pizza party. By having a reward, the SU wanted to motivate teams to rehearse and plan fun and entertaining dances.
Much of the spirit during pep rally comes from the MCs: this year Pat Lacy and Georgia Kennedy are taking up the role. When looking for MCs, the SU wanted people who worked well together, had positive and upbeat personalities, lots of energy, and loved Hastings. Considering these traits, Barney said “Pat and Georgia are the two people you think about.”
A new twist to the pep rally format this year was the involvement of teachers. Participating in a toilet paper wrap competition, Ms. Gagliardi, Ms. Stern, Ms. Kehoe, and Mr. Morgan were all pre-selected by the SU for their “broad appeal,” Erik explained, especially since most of them teach classes throughout the grades. Teacher participation will not be a one-time thing: throughout this year, the SU plans on having more student-teacher activities. A new fundraiser for the Senior Class was introduced during the pep rally and will be run during the Homecoming game. Students will be able to pay to pie teachers; Mr. Lopez served as a demonstrative victim during the pep rally.
The SU is not planning any drastic changes to the Homecoming game this year. The only new development was that all homecoming games were scheduled to be “under the lights.” As Barney explained, “we wanted to do something that had never really happened before in our senior year…it’s something that we’re so excited for because it’s brand new.”
Unfortunately, due to the bad weather, the September 30 football game (which was scheduled to be the Homecoming game) became an away game. The homecoming football game is now scheduled for October 21 at 1:30 pm at Reynolds Field. Beyond Homecoming and pep rally, the SU has many exciting events in the works for this year. There will be a Halloween costume competition, a Talent Show later in the winter, and the School Olympics in the spring, which will be during the school day again. Remember to come support Hastings on October 21 for the Homecoming game!