While high schoolers navigate their schoolwork, extracurriculars, and jobs, many are volunteering as well.
“It’s a great way for students to get involved,” said Harin Lee, an executive board member of Hastings K.I.D.S.
Not only does volunteering provide an amazing experience and a way to give back to your community, but it can help support your resumes and college applications. Thus, volunteering is very important to a high school student.
However, finding volunteering opportunities can be tough. Many students are at a loss as to where to start, not knowing who to ask for guidance and help, or what nonprofits need volunteers.
Hastings K.I.D.S, which stands for “Kids In Doing Service,” is a school platform that provides students with volunteering opportunities. Led by a few adults and a student executive board, Hastings K.I.D.S. is constantly posting and providing service projects that are open to all students. They have a Google Classroom page where students can access project details and information.
Volunteering Projects:
K.I.D.S. Upcycling Club is a new addition to the Hastings K.I.D.S. projects. From 4 to 6 pm on the first and third Friday of every month, kids can make crafts from upcycled materials. Since it is new, it needs more publicity, so make sure to spread the word.
Hillside Hikes is another program where students go on hikes in the Hillside woods with younger children. Students get the opportunity to have fun with kids and enjoy nature.
The Rivertown Thrift is a pop-up store in Hastings that sells old clothes for very cheap prices. Students can volunteer as “runners”, people who hang clothes and help customers, or sort clothes that have been dropped off to sell. One time a pair of jeans that was over 300 dollars was being sold for just a few dollars. Midnight Run is a non-profit organization that helps the homeless. Volunteers go on midnight runs where they handout food, clothes, blankets, and more to the homeless population of NYC. Volunteers also have conversations with the people they are helping. “The most important thing is the conversations,” Shoam Fanning, an executive board member of Hastings K.I.D.S. says. “It’s really great to connect”.
If you are looking for volunteer opportunities, make sure to check the Hastings K.I.D.S Google Classroom page frequently, and message leaders of Hastings K.I.D.S. projects for more information about volunteer work. Assignments are posted in the classroom regarding dates and times for volunteering.
Hastings K.I.D.S. classroom code: gmdldeh