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Senior Spotlights

Emma Gelman
Emma Gelman

1. How would you describe your senioritis level, on a scale of extremely motivated to “get me out of here”?

Senioritis for my classes, although extremely motivated for the many projects I just picked up

2. Are there any special senior activities that you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and if so, what?

Prom, ending classes in May.

3. If you are attending prom, what color are you going to be wearing?

Red wine

4. Do you have any favorite school moment/activity you’ve done in your four years?

Cooking Club and Model UN (slightly biased, everyone should join).

5. How would you describe the current environment/attitude consensus of the seniors? Are you guys excited, nervous, etc?

I can’t speak for everyone. Personally, I’m really excited for the big change and I can’t wait to get to college and meet new people, roommates, friends, and professors.

6. Do you have any advice for incoming seniors?

Work hard the summer before your senior year and if you can apply early decision for college, you should. Pick the classes you are really interested in so you avoid burnout and senioritis as much as you can.

Sonya Lasser
Sonya Lasser

1. How would you describe your senioritis level, on a scale of extremely motivated to “get me out of here”?

I wouldn’t really describe my senioritis as “get me out of here,” but I did just get an 18/100 on my physics final (partially for drawing Lightning McQueen on it). I still love the school and am really sad to be leaving it, I just don’t really want to be doing lots of work anymore.

2. Are there any special senior activities that you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and if so, what?

Definitely senior assassin. When I saw the seniors playing it during our freshman year I was so excited to get to play. Also prom of course.

3. If you are attending prom, what color are you going to be wearing?

Pink! I’m super excited about it.

4. Do you have any favorite school moment/activity you’ve done in your four years?

If I had to pick just one thing, I would probably say physics with Mr. Hills this year. I’ve had a great time with the entire class. All of the students support each other through every assignment, and everyone is always willing to help out. Mr. Hills has been an incredible teacher, and he’s made the class so much fun. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who’s even a little bit interested!

5. How would you describe the current environment/attitude consensus of the seniors? Are you guys excited, nervous, etc?

I think we’re definitely eager and nervous. Our whole grade feels really close a lot of the time, so I know we’re all going to miss each other a lot, but everyone is also super excited to see what awesome things everyone does in their future!

6. Do you have any advice for incoming seniors?

The first half of senior year is brutal and somehow harder than the end of junior year. Just be prepared for that and try not to overextend yourself. Make sure to also spend time with your friends and get to know other people in the grade/school!!

Erik Ghalib
Erik Ghalib

1. How would you describe your senioritis level, on a scale of extremely motivated to “get me out of here”?

Well it depends. I’m definitely ready for college classes. But I’ve really loved spending extra time and energy on my extracurriculars this year, so I’ll really miss those.

2. Are there any special senior activities that you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and if so, what?

This year we’re doing a “Senior Day” on June 18th, where we’re gonna start with a senior sunrise on Burke in the morning and then do our hillside walk-through, have lunch together, and do our graduation rehearsal. I think that will be really sweet.

3. If you are attending prom, what color are you going to be wearing?

I’m wearing hot pink and baby blue. Just kidding–black.

4. Do you have any favorite school moment/activity you’ve done in your four years?

I have a bunch, but I’d have to say that the Olympics from this year comes out on top. Watching those lip sync performances was just insane.

5. How would you describe the current environment/attitude consensus of the seniors? Are you guys excited, nervous, etc?

I think we’re in shock, to be honest! We’re excited for freedom, but man, thirteen years is a whole lot of time. We can’t really believe that these are our last couple of days.

6. Do you have any advice for incoming seniors?

Don’t get so lost in the future that you’re not taking advantage of your final opportunities here. As a senior, you have trust and you have relationships. That means that you can do some really cool things if you want to! Also, make sure that you say goodbye to your favorite teachers here, at FMS, and at Hillside. They remember you and it’s sweet!

Katie Strutton

1. How would you describe your senioritis level, on a scale of extremely motivated to “get me out of here”?

After APs, I’ve been pretty burned out, but before that I was holding strong. Third quarter was actually my strongest quarter!

2. Are there any special senior activities that you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and if so, what?

I am excited for it all. Especially prom, the trip to Six Flags, and signing day.

3. If you are attending prom, what color are you going to be wearing? 

Yes! And I am going to be wearing navy blue along with pretty much everyone else. 

4. Do you have any favorite school moment/activity you’ve done in your four years?

I’ve absolutely loved Cross Country and Track, as well as the Amnesty International club. 

5. How would you describe the current environment/attitude consensus of the seniors? Are you guys excited, nervous, etc?

I think everyone is ready to graduate, but also feeling sentimental about their time in Hastings.

6. Do you have any advice for incoming seniors?

Do your college applications in August! It will save you so many mental breakdowns in the fall.

Austin Schiffer
Austin Schiffer

1. How would you describe your senioritis level, on a scale of extremely motivated to “get me out of here”?

I would say my level of senioritis is somewhere in the middle. I definitely have realized that it is the end of high school and that I am already into college, but at the same time, I am a firm believer that if one stops their work habits, it may be hard for them to retrieve them later on. Thus, I have kept a good chunk of my work ethic!

2. Are there any special senior activities that you’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and if so, what?

In terms of special senior activities, I have always looked forward to Pep Rally when the seniors run inside the gym separately and make their grand appearance. In addition, I cannot wait for prom because I have heard so many amazing things about the experience, and plus it is tradition! I cannot wait to eat and dance all night!

3. If you are attending prom, what color are you going to be wearing?

Yes, I am attending prom, and I will be wearing a navy blue suit with a dark blue shirt, brown shoes, and a blue striped tie! I CANNOT WAIT!

4. Do you have any favorite school moment/activity you’ve done in your four years?

Over my four years at HHS, I would say I have so many favorite memories. In terms of academics, I believe that SUPA American History in my junior year made an incredibly large impact on my work ethic, desire for perfecting my writing, and thinking like a historian. In addition, watching myself grow as a Spanish speaker has been such a highlight, and I hope to earn The Seal of Biliteracy for both English and Spanish. In terms of non-academics, I would say one of my favorite memories was going on the Peer Leadership retreats with my fellow seniors because it was so amazing to spend time with and get to know more about my peers, as well as the fact that we got to perfect various activities used with the freshmen. On top of this, spending time with my co-leader Harin and our freshmen group during the retreat at the Burke was such a rush as it reminded me of team building activities at camp. In addition, I would say being a part of SADD Club has been such a treat. From starting as a member and becoming the current Vice President, I have enjoyed the work that we have done to create awareness and promote causes worth fighting for. (Sorry I know that was a lot and I truly could go on for ages about NHS, Student Union, and more).

5. How would you describe the current environment/attitude consensus of the seniors? Are you guys excited, nervous, etc?

I would say the current environment/attitude of the seniors has varied over the span of senior year. However, I would argue that everyone is hopeful for the future and cannot wait to make an impact on their future settings wherever they may be led next. There is an element of confusion on how we could already be graduating, but I would say that everyone has or still is accepting the current situation. Personally, I am upset to be leaving HHS as I have created so many memories and learned so much, but at the end of the day, I am at peace with the situation, and am ready for whatever comes my way as I am prepared to move forward as passionately as I could be!


6. Do you have any advice for incoming seniors?

For incoming seniors, I have a plethora of advice. First and foremost, I would advise them to really enjoy their time and spend time with their friends and family. This will come with optimizing a work life balance in a year filled with anxiety over high school and the future. In addition, I would say that if one is applying to college, they should get as much done as they possibly can early on to ensure that they do not become incredibly overwhelmed and can actually enjoy the process. In my opinion, the college process is supposed to be rewarding and meaningful! Next, I would tell them to not be afraid to ask for help. To tell the truth, everyone is in the same boat in terms of stress and having uncertainty and mixed feelings about the future and leaving HHS. Feel free to reach out to others and provide support! It will be the key to feeling part of a strong, tight-knit graduating class. Finally, I would advise being optimistic. It is truly so easy for someone to complain, be negative, or hurt someone else. But it is imperative that the incoming seniors focus on the positive aspects of their lives and what makes them happy. Yes, there may be times in which being upset is natural, and those are the times to let feelings out and confide in others. However, remaining hopeful for the future can not only ensure an incoming senior leaves high school feeling proud, but also a feeling of living this year to the fullest!

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