With one track meet left, it’s safe to say that the season has been very good for all, with the athletes getting personal records left and right. Danae Morgan qualified for the highly prestigious Millrose Games Trials, where she finished ninth in the weight throw with a toss of 40’6.75”. Caitlin Thomas had an amazing performance as well, placing fifth in the 3000m in the season opener. On the boys’ side, juniors Race Simon and Nate Sollars both got under a five-minute barrier in the one-mile event. In addition Sophomores Jonah Goldberg and Maxwell Silva Steeves were right at the brink of breaking the five-minute barrier as well.
The Girls Varsity Basketball Team has been very productive this season, with a 4-7 season record and coming in second in the Briarcliff tournament. Seniors Sohpia Ballard and Sarah Driver made the all tournament team as well. They dominated the competition and displayed their excellent athleticism.
Though the Girls JV Basketball Team record is 1-8, they are focusing more on developing their game and team more. Every game, their coach, Christopher Crooms, emphasizes hard work, effort, and attitude.
Coach Francesco Scioscia has kept the Boys JV Basketball in shape! They’ve made the weight room a priority with nearly half of their practices including some form of the weight room. Also they continued their tradition of the Green & White Game on Wednesday February 2nd. He had their captains, Avi Rothstein and Ethan Malat choose teams then had Boys Varsity Basketball players coach and ref the game. With a nice record of 10-5, the spirit and energy within the team has been extraordinary.
The Boys and Girls Varsity Skiing Team has had a tremendous season, beginning at Holiday Mountain. The boys’ team finished seventh, fifth, second, and first, Finishing first was Senior Aidan Fromm, second going to Sophomore Andrei Zuk, and Freshman Mattis Nollen and Desmond Cheung came in fifth and seventh in the competition. The girls team also had a strong showing with all five of the athletes finishing in the top 25 out of 68 racers. Among them, Georgia Schmit finished second, Jennifer Schofield placed eleventh, and Grace Chalker, Johanna Nollen and Olivia Huang placed eighteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-fourth.
Our Varsity Wrestling Team has dominated the competition with the new lead coaching of Pete Vulpone and Dominic Cecere. Despite the many hardships faced with various injuries and lost members, they have held strong across to the season’s end. At the conclusion of their season at the sectional tournament, Adam Hatim, Callum Feeney, and Royal Peterson have placed 6th, 5th, and 3rd in the entirety of their respective weight classes.
Our Varsity Swimming Team is determined to leave a lasting impact. After a rough start to the season and losing two players due to injury, they kept on swimming and have a 1-3 record.